
03-Apr-2011 17:45

Could your business survive?

If you had to choose two things without which your business couldn't survive, what would they be (and why)?

I'll kick it off with the obvious…:

1.Paying clients
2. Goodwill

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Contributed by Cornelis de Maijer on 05-Apr-2011 23:28
clients and turnover

and why?

ever tried to do business without them? ;-)
Contributed by Andrew Wilcox on 05-Apr-2011 23:27
Clients and me.
Contributed by Helen Stothard on 05-Apr-2011 23:27
Definitely the internet for all my cloud apps and my team of great associates who help me look after my really cool clients
Contributed by Doug Jenner on 05-Apr-2011 23:26
Coffee, cynicism
Contributed by Lisa Attias on 05-Apr-2011 23:26
Myself and the MoreSouth clients.
Contributed by Amanda Vlahakis on 05-Apr-2011 10:30
Like Nikki, the Internet, and Me.
Contributed by Solveigh Calderin on 03-Apr-2011 21:15
Nice said, Katie...
Contributed by Katie-Ellen Hazeldine on 03-Apr-2011 21:14
It wouldn't be the same without Norman as with, would it Solveigh, even if the products were the same. I could still provide my service without tarot cards, they are tools, and I could use alternatives. It's Sunday, let's be a bit fanciful : ) A small business we've set up ourselves is a bit like a moon in orbit round its Home-Planet: you bunch of planets, you.
Contributed by Solveigh Calderin on 03-Apr-2011 21:14
Although, Norman, would your business get paying clients without you?
Isn't it that your business without you even wouldn't exist?
Contributed by Mike Gordon on 03-Apr-2011 21:13
Married men
Married women
Contributed by Sarah Arrow on 03-Apr-2011 21:13
Vans and fuel...
Contributed by Fay Olinsky on 03-Apr-2011 21:11
My one wants a sickie cooking their food!

Transport..I need to get to places on time and reliably.

Most other things I could work around somehow.

Contributed by Jeff Mowatt on 03-Apr-2011 21:11
It would be difficult to survive without humour or music
Contributed by Nikki Pilkington on 03-Apr-2011 19:24
Me :)

and the internet ....

Umm, because it's me, and it's an internet based company :)
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