
27-Sep-2011 14:06

Spam Texts, Unsolicited Messages?

In an attempt to reduce spam text messages and deter unwanted telemarketing, the Indian telecoms regulator has announced plans to cap the number & level of text messages which may be sent from a mobile phone.

Under the new rules no-one, including commercial organisations, will be permitted to send more than 100 texts in a day.

Could this… should this be applied in the UK too?

The new regulation is expected to bring great relief to the literally millions of mobile phone users who have to deal with dozens of unsolicited text messages on a daily basis.

In the past India has made several unsuccessful attempts to stop telemarketing firms bombarding mobile phone users with unwanted commercial messages and calls.

Previous efforts have included "national do not call" list registrations and the imposition of hefty fines to those who ignored registered clis on these "national do not call" lists.

In another attempt to limit undesired and unsolicited calls and texts The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) also barred commercial calls or messages between the times of 9pm and 9am.

However, messages continue to be received late at night, often at 3am or later…

Of course common sense or indeed simple advice would say: Do not provide your mobile number on to any websites etc or perhaps order a free alternative PAYG mobile SIM card for that purpose.

And furthermore, why not create an e-mail address just for online memberships, websites and quotes & simply ignore all the spam you may then receive…

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Contributed by Steve Hall on 27-Sep-2011 16:23
An interesting blog - I am sure that it is 100% unworkable in India. Anybody who can afford one phone seems to have two and be talking/txtng on them simultaneously. Like all forms of marketing, people stop it quickly enough if it does not work. Spain is, thankfully, not cursed by these companies/tactics .....yet!
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