
03-Sep-2010 16:02

Is your VoiP or indeed mobile or NGN number safe?

In May this year Tesco announced that because its VoIP supplier Freshtel UK has gone belly-up, it is ceasing its entire VoIP (Tesco Internet Phone and Talk Wi-Fi) service..

It gave its clients just 30 days to source an alternative to its Tesco Internet Phone and Talk Wi-Fi services & Tesco VoIP customers are now unable top-up their pre-paid accounts.

Importantly, users of Tesco's dead VoIP service are being told they've lost their personal numbers.

Anyone who wishes to retain their personal mobile and or VoIP numbers (an important issue if their numbers are well-known and/or used for business and contacts and publicised on 'sites and business cards etc…) & requesting Tesco to 'port' to their numbers are being told, "sorry, it can't be done" even though the issuing of mobile and VoIP numbers and number-portability is an Ofcom requirement "where technically feasible" and the Tesco numbers in question are actually lodged with Cable & Wireless.

A similar situation occurred with Skype numbers some years ago albeit at that time a competitor Voipfone was eventually able to get the numbers and offer them back to their owners - at a premium!.

This time however, sadly the numbers are lost.

So, when you are seeking to get NGN - non-geographic numbers (including 0800; 020 xx, 0844; 0845 etc..) or NTS (number translation services) set up, please ensure you go for a reliable company….

(Now for the punchline )
SimplyFone have been leading suppliers of NGNs and other numbers for years and currently have many 10,000's of numbers in daily usage by companies, airlines, charities, schools and professional bodies and 100,000's available in all bands for free - yep no charge - at any time!
So, if you want an NGN for your business or have a requirement to divert calls with an NGN number to an office in the UK or overseas….

....just give us a shout at any time…


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