
25-Jun-2012 15:27

Rant of the Day...

Went today, for business, at midday, to Central London for a meeting in a government office, run (and I use the word advisedly) by civil servants.
The old building - newly refurbished - is quite splendid, security in/out tighter than Heathrow customs (with similar machines checking me & the contents of my pockets - albeit I was permitted to keep my belt & shoes on), the location terrific and the facilities quite excellent.

So far so good…

My gripes:
a) why this location? Felt it totally unnecessary for them to be situated right bang in the middle of London with the associated costs to the government (i.e. us, as tax-payers) & the rather difficult - not to say costly - access, parking, congestion charging and/or public transport.. &,

b) is it just me or are they true equal-opportunity employers, because the man & woman I was meeting sadly had the combined intelligence count of a squirrel.
They were so poor at their job, so bereft of ideas, so lacking incentive, so uninspiring in demeanour & attire, and so, so d*mn stupid that I was at a loss to know quite how to get through to them…

Thankfully it was not a wasted journey, but I despair if these are the people - employed with pretty high importance rankings - who are ‘running’ government & systems for us…
OK - rant over, time for a cuppa....

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Contributed by Angus Whitton on 25-Jun-2012 17:05
So Norman...

Which one was the ruppa and which one was the ......

Contributed by William Buist on 25-Jun-2012 15:45
I'm with you - On the rant and the cuppa....
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