
25-Apr-2013 12:21

A Smartphone for the Visually Impaired - Interesting!

A Smartphone for those living with visual impairment has apparently been developed in India.

The product is based upon an innovative 'touch screen' which is capable of elevating and depressing the contents it receives to transform them into 'touchable' patterns.

Could this unique idea convert the incoming text into Braille patterns enabling the blind and visually impaired to read SMSs and emails on their phone?

What a wonderful idea if indeed possible.

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Contributed by Isaac - on 01-May-2013 17:37
My work with the blind has allowed me to see them use a variety of techniques. The main one is the phone reads out the texts and says aloud which button has been pressed and what icon the finger has engaged. In fact my blind friend can actually write a full lengthy text or email through this method. Incredible really...
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