
02-May-2013 10:39

Are you the haggling type?

Following a ‘discussion’ with a long-standing client please let me know…

Are you the haggling type?
Do you/can you haggle with your suppliers and/or your customers, or is haggling a non-no for you?

Answers on a postcard…

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Contributed by Rob Killen on 07-May-2013 17:03
Less haggle, more negoiatation, for me.
Contributed by Peter Jones on 07-May-2013 08:50
And also there are ways and ways of haggling. Some more polite, some less so.
Contributed by Peter Jones on 07-May-2013 08:50
Also, if I feel the service delivered was less than as described on the tin. I'll definitely haggle then.
Contributed by Peter Jones - Innovation Consultant at Blue Oyster on 07-May-2013 08:49
I think it depends on the perceived value delivered. And this can shift when the market shifts, so that value can change even where there has been no change in the product.

HTH, Peter.
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