
08-Jul-2013 16:54

Mobile Upgrade Imminent...What are your views?

OK - it's that time of the year for me; mobile upgrade imminent.

What are your views?

iPhone v Samsung Galaxy v Blackberry or….?

Currently a Blackberry fan on a very cheap but fully inclusive Vodafone package..

Await your advice people…

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Contributed by Ty Tyson - MD, Blackturtleneck on 09-Jul-2013 09:14
Even if they make the mistake of calling it a 6 it will really be a 5S. I doubt they will. They have many options but won't yet have decided what to do. Any rumours at this stage are just wild speculation and comment.
Contributed by Joseph Heller - Badchen on 09-Jul-2013 09:13
6 months ago, I left HTC for the Samsung Galaxy Siii, with a few moments of photography (the S3 is a great camera), I've regretted every moment.
Contributed by Norman Feiner on 08-Jul-2013 21:54
I hear rumours that Apple may miss out their iPhone 5S altogether & and release the iPhone 6 instead... And I hear other rumours that 20th Sept is release date with iPhone 6 ready to go for Xmas market... If anyone out there knows, c'mon spill the beans..
Contributed by Helen Stothard - Owner, HLS Publishing Solution on 08-Jul-2013 20:24
I've never been happier with my iPhone, wouldn't change it
Contributed by Daniel Amini - Director, DA Selection Ltd on 08-Jul-2013 20:23
n - curious to know what you decide eventually as we are having a similar debate at home...
Contributed by Ezriel Lord Cohen on 08-Jul-2013 20:22
The HTC One I have had one for nearly since March it has been a superb phone.
Contributed by Graham Hunt - Valencia Property on 08-Jul-2013 17:43
The more these phones do the less the battery life unfortunately and some apps update in the background using up battery life too. WhatsApp is a killer
Contributed by Peter Herd - Managing Director at Essential IFA Lt on 08-Jul-2013 17:27
Norman, the only downside as I see it is battery life; I only get 8 hours because it has 2 quo processes and is very quick.
Contributed by Peter Herd - Managing Director at Essential IFA Lt on 08-Jul-2013 17:22
The s4 comes with a lots of pre installed apps and the diary is one of the best I have seen
Contributed by Peter Herd - Managing Director at Essential IFA Lt on 08-Jul-2013 17:13
My boy has an iphone and has had a go of my s4 -he now wants a s4 guess it comes down to presonal choice.

I never liked being tied into buying music off itunes and other forced tie ins with apple products
Contributed by Graham Hunt - Valencia Property on 08-Jul-2013 17:13
They will eventually appear on android if successful on iOS. By then they a old news
Contributed by Graham Hunt - Valencia Property on 08-Jul-2013 17:12
Developers develop for iPhone first as they earn money off it. Therefore best apps are on iPhone first and new apps go there too. To say get a phone because it links well into social media is not to understand that the apps are what allow a phone to do that. The apps almost always appear first on iPhone because there is no money in app development for android (too many form factors, operating systems, etc...) and users expect them all for free.
Contributed by Peter Herd - Managing Director at Essential IFA Lt on 08-Jul-2013 17:11
Plus it links into all social media apps and newspapers so well. The dictation tool on it is pretty cool as well
Contributed by Peter Herd - Managing Director at Essential IFA Lt on 08-Jul-2013 17:11
Samsung galaxy s4 simply the best - even ask me if I am having a good day
Contributed by Graham Hunt - Valencia Property on 08-Jul-2013 16:57
I have a charger in the car but agreed high usage means low battery life and once you have one you use it because it is superb
Contributed by Chris Wright on 08-Jul-2013 16:55
Galaxy all the way - I'm a Samsung convert. Constantly amazed at just how powerful the thing is.. Plus, I like Google Android and the option of as much free software as I choose.
I wouldn't touch Apple or a Blackberry if they were gold plated and given away for free !! aka I'm biased
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