
18-Nov-2010 16:49

It won't happen to me.. Nah….. No way!

I once heard a fine observation that computer and system data back-up is like wearing a seat belt, 'everyone knows they should do it, but not everybody does'.

SimplyFone data and all computer systems are continually backed-up, & paranoid as I am, I'm forever testing the efficacy of my back-up systems and data recovery, in case, in case, just in case…

Most small business owners or even larger enterprises are very likely rather dependant on computer systems and data.
The data - accounts, clients' info, emails, 'favourites', passwords, notes - probably covers just about every aspect of running your business.

However, many don't pay nearly enough attention to the critical importance of backing up all data frequently and effectively.
Remember, if you were to lose any data your business could be severely impacted and suffer real problems. Your business information may literally be the lifeblood of your business & to lose that information may well be disastrous.

Why do I comment about the obvious you may well ask?

Yep - you guessed correctly.

Last Monday evening, my own computer suffered a total hard drive crash & I lost all the data on that hard particular drive...

Thankfully, 99% of the data I have now recovered because it's mostly duplicated at my office too, but losing the 1% has caused so much heartache and about 15+ wasted hours attempting to recover old email address, contacts information etc…

I've learned my lesson the hard way & am now backing-up everything - on personal & home comps, laptops and of course office systems…

But, are you?

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Contributed by Benita Cegarra on 19-Nov-2010 12:29

So true Norman - and I'm guilty.

You don't even need to have a computer failure.
My power lead socket got damaged and I couldn't charge the battery.
Sadly, I hadn't realised until the battery was dead and all my data was still on my laptop!!!
I had to get a local PC company to take a copy of my hard drive while we were waiting for replacement bits. It wasn't a catastrophe, but it was very inconvenient!

Thanks very much for the reminer - wonder what I'm doing now? Backing up my system!

Benita Cegarra
BJC Europe Limited
Office: +44 (0)1285 643640
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Contributed by Simon • Cartoon-O! • Ellinas on 18-Nov-2010 22:34

I didn't read your blog, Norman. I just looked at the great cartoon!

That's right folks! If you don't want people to read your blog, put a cartoon in! I'm your man to stop people reading your blogs!

I'm in a devil's advocate sort of mood today. Mmmm, I think it suits me.
Contributed by Fay Olinsky on 18-Nov-2010 22:07

worst thing for me is the software like Dreamweaver for instance. Even if you back up the programme since Adobe has taken over it wont let you re-install without buying a whole new programme at twice the very inflated price it once was. I have all the disks and all the downloaded upgrade backups but it won't let me load or use it and wont accept the activation code and Adobe wont give me a new one...I have to buy a whole new off if you ask me.
Contributed by Ruth Edwards on 18-Nov-2010 22:06

Thanks for the reminder...sorry for you
Contributed by Zara Lockwood on 18-Nov-2010 22:06

Yes backing up on-line is probably a good idea - I've lost hundred's of quid of 'invested' software - when a back up drive failed - so I now have a back up drive and an increasing number of places on-line I store documents, facebook probably has most of my photos.

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Contributed by Jeff Mowatt on 18-Nov-2010 22:05

In my mainframe days a great deal of emphasis was made of backing up data because computer systems were generally prone to crash repeatedly.

Working for a manufacturer in the 80s I was advising customers that of those businesses who suffered a total data loss, 80% according to stats at the time could expect to never recover and go out of business.

Today we''ve become used to such high levels of reliability, years without a problem that we tend to think that it can't ever go wrong. .
Contributed by Georgina Lester on 18-Nov-2010 22:04

When you have a Mac - you have a fantastic facility called Time Machine - that does constant back ups.

In fact if you get a new computer - all you need do is plug it in and it sets everything up in no time at all and it feels like you have never been away or changed a thing.

Of course, this is all hypothetical as I haven't got as far as my second mac - yet - I have just heard about how fantastic it is for keeping your system backed up.

Really cool graphics on it too!!

Oh and I am really sorry to hear that you have experienced this Norman. Having wrestled with numerous issues with PC's not performing as they should I really really know how it feels.
I have even had a hard drive completely wiped - operating system - the works - everything - leaving absolutely nothing on it whatsoever.
The last thing that it was known to have done was update anti-virus software. So I wasn't overly impressed. It cost quite a bit to get the system rebuilt. Thankfully though like you 90% of the data was on other machines - but that tantalising and annoying last 10% that for some reason wasn't included on any back ups .... haunt us to this day nearly a year later.

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Contributed by SimplyFone Blogger on 18-Nov-2010 18:36
Yep - and all those little things you may forget or not realise may be uncoverable:

1. contact email addresses
2. Firefox, I.E. or other ''favourites''
3. old & stored emails
4. pictures - family & biz

Can be a nightmare if lost & not backed-up.

Amazing how few people & companies fully do this.
Contributed by Mark Mandel on 18-Nov-2010 18:32
Good point Norman if you never restore data how do you know it will work. Especially application date and databases back up is only half the story.
Contributed by Graham Vowles on 18-Nov-2010 17:50

Well it happened to me(!)
Two weeks ago I was travelling to visit a client in Macedonia and my macbook died - total hard disk failure as I was about to present to the Programme Board. Fortunately, I had made a USB copy of my presentation 'just-in-case' - and was able to recover all my data off the time machine backup onto a newly installed hard disk. Without a back-up I would have been *totally* shafted

Graham Vowles - - +44 7748 321774 - -@bloxstore
Contributed by Demos Flouri on 18-Nov-2010 17:29
All the time Norman, I back up all the time! you can not be too cautious, if anything I should have a backup for my backup

Warm Regards

Demos Flouri

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