
29-Dec-2010 13:41

That time of the year again. What are yr thoughts?

It's review time once again….

We have almost lived through (some would say endured) 2010 & I would enjoy hearing your thoughts on how you thought 2010 was.

Please comment on 2010 for you personally or your business, for the country, for technology growth and innovation, sport, banking scandals, financial themes or any other subject upon which you care to focus, observe & remark…

We have enjoyed a year complete with a general election & new coalition-government (doesn't it seem so long ago!), amazing natural disruptions caused by Icelandic volcano eruptions and recent poor weather, Facebook & Twitter explosions, the growth & apparent decline of chatroullete, controversial Wikileaks revelations, a World Cup debacle & now the Ashes triumph.

What has stood out for you as a defining moment for you, your business or UK plc?

Please feel free to criticise or applaud, condemn & praise - the forum is yours guys....

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